Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Comunicate PLC and RS LOGIX-500 Softwer using this step.

First start the RS LINX softwer then go to communication then you see this windo.

This is a first step when we communicate the PLC and Softwer first  time. first of all open RS LINX then go to communication in menubar. then go to configure driver you see this windo then select add new.
Then you see this windo select PLC type and select com port. then set boud rate is depend your PLC types.

Then click ok then close now your PLC and PC are internally connected. then we go next step There we can make Program in Ladder logic in RS LOGIX-500. we can understand all step one by one.

APRIL,19 2011..............9.16 P.M                   

Monday, 18 April 2011

What is PLC?

                                       PLC is a Programmer logic controller. it's use in all industry where proccess running 24 hours 7 day. The defination is A Programmable Logic Controller is a solid state/computerzied industrial computer that performs discrete or sequential logic in a factory environment. It was originally developed to replace mechanical relays,timer,counters.

In PLC have own timer,counter, and most use full logic ready to use.
IN market so many PLC are avaliable. But logic are same to all PLC but it's softwer and instrution are diffrent.

For Example;

           PLC                                             SOFTWERE

  1. Siemens                                         SimeticManeger
  2. Allen-Bradley                                RS logix-500
  3.  Panasonic                                     FPwin Pro

LIke that all PLC have own softwer so we use any PLC we correnty understand all menu and all toolbar which one use which time.All softwer have different communation setting so it's main part of progaramming.

After this post we go one by one PLC and it's softwer. so, All our reader are understand basic funda of PLC and PLC programming language and make a fast and easy program.

NOW, we can learn Allen-Bradley it's softwer is RS LOGIX 500.


MY introducation.

My name is Urvish Sohaliya.
I'm Form India.
Right now i'm plc programmer in automation company in India.
PLC is A master divice in Automation Industry.
So, who want a more knowledge About PLC,SACDA,DTC.
I make this blog and shere my knowledge to everyone.
and plese give a great feedback and adevice. so i am improved my knowledge.

Thanx to Read................